Command reference

Usage and possible options for each command can be displayed in the shell by calling a command with -h or –help option.

All commands support auto-completion of virtual environment names.

All commands return:

  • 0’ exit code on successful execution;
  • 1’ exit code when an error occurres;
  • 2’ exit code on invocation syntax errors.


mkvenv command is a wrapper for pyvenv/virtualenv and pip install

Usage: mkvenv [OPTIONS] VENV_NAME

mkvenv command creates new virtual environment with the name of VENV_NAME in directory specified by PYVENVWRAPPER_ENV_DIR and new project directory with the same name in directoy specified by PYVENVWRAPPER_PROJ_DIR, if this variable is set. Additional options, that modify this command’s behavior are described below.

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. Combined options are not supported, i.e. instead of ‘-aj’ use ‘-a -j’.

-o, --options <options>
 Options to provide to underlying tool for virtual environment creation. See additional information below.
-i, --install <requirements>
 Install packages listed in requirements using pip after virtual environment is created. <requirements> should be quoted string in “pip install” requirement specifier format. mkvenv will automatically try to install pip if it isn’t already available.
-r, --requirements <file>
 Install packages listed in requirements file using pip after virtual environment is created. <file> should be path pointing to a file containing requirement specifications in “pip install -r” requirements file format. mkvenv will automatically try to install pip if it isn’t already available.
-u, --util <util name>
 Specify the name of utility to use for virtual environment creation. By defaul t mkvenv tries to use “pyvenv” first, if it’s not available mkvenv tries to use “virtualenv”.
-p, --pip Install pip after virtual environment is created.
-t, --template <template dir path>
 Copy files and directories from template directory to newly created project directory. Precludes use of -n option.
-n, --no-project
 Don’t create project directory. Precludes use of -t, -j options.
-a, --activate Activate virtual environment after it is created.
-e, --env Change current directory to virtual environment directory after it is created. Precludes use of -j option.
-j, --project Change current directory to project directory after it is created. Precludes use of -n, -e options.


Usage: workon [-n] VENV_NAME

workon command is a wrapper for VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/activate

workon command activates existing virtual environment with the name of VENV_NAME from directory specified by PYVENVWRAPPER_ENV_DIR, and changes current working directory to corresponding project directory if PYVENVWRAPPER_PROJ_DIR is specified and PYVENVWRAPPER_CD_ON_WORKON is set to “true”.

-n, --no-cd Don’t change current working directory to corresponding project directory after virtual environment activation.


Usage: deact

deact command is a wrapper for deactivate

deact command deactivates active virtual environment, and changes current working directory back to its value at the time of virtual environment activation if PYVENVWRAPPER_CD_ON_DEACT is set to “true”.


Usage: lsvevn [OPTIONS] [VENV_NAME]

lsvenv command list existing virtual environments in the directory specified by PYVENVWRAPPER_ENV_DIR. If used with existing virtual environment name as optional argument VENV_NAME, then lsvenv lists packages installed in this virtual environment in requirements format (alias to “pip freeze”). Additional options, that modify this command’s behavior are described below.

Combined options are not supported, i.e. instead of ‘-se’ use ‘-s -e’.

-l, --local If virtual environment has global access, do not list globally-installed packages. Has no meaning if VENV_NAME is not provided.
-s, --simple Use simple output format instead of requirements format (alias to “pip list”). Has no meaning if VENV_NAME is not provided.
-e, --extended Show additional information.


Usage: cdvenv [OPTIONS] VENV_NAME

cdvenv command changes current working directory to directory of virtual environment specified by VENV_NAME argument. Additional options, that modify this command’s behavior are described below.

-s, --site Change current working directory to virtual environment’s site-packages directory instead. Precludes use of -p option.
-p, --project Change current working directory to virtual environment’s related project directory instead. Precludes use of -s option.



cpvenv command creates a copy of virtual environment. It copies all contents of SRC_VENV_NAME virtual environment directory to a new directory for virtual environment with the name specified by DST_VENV_NAME. If PYVENVWRAPPER_PROJ_DIR is set, cpvenv also creates a new project directory related to new virtual environment with DST_VENV_NAME. cpvenv will not overwrite any existing data in DST_VENV_NAME virtual environment directory (and related project directory) if it already exists and is not empty, unless -f option is provided. Additional options, that modify this command’s behavior are described below.

Note: Depending on the name of source virtual environment destination virtual environment might be broken after copy. This is due to renaming in destination virtual environment which has to take place because of how virtual environments work. Source virtual environment will not be affected in any way. This should normally not happen if the name is unique and not anything more generic like simple “if”, “var”, etc..

Combined options are not supported, i.e. instead of ‘-fp’ use ‘-f -p’.

-f, --force Overwrite data in DST_VENV_NAME virtual environment directory (and related project directory) if it already exists and is not empty.
-p, --project Copy contents of project directory related to SRC_VENV_NAME virtual environment to new project directory related to DST_VENV_NAME virtual environment. Precludes use of -n option.
-n, --no-project
 Don’t create project directory. Precludes use of -p option.


Usage: rmvenv [OPTIONS] VENV_NAME

rmvenv command removes virtual environment directory with the name specified by VENV_NAME. Additional options, that modify this command’s behavior are described below.

Combined options are not supported, i.e. instead of ‘-fp’ use ‘-f -p’.

Be cautious when using options!

-f, --force Don’t prompt for any confirmations.
-p, --project Also remove related project directory with all contents.